
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Devin Owner/Operator of Pennsylvania Cannabis Connection
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Devin is on a mission to help create a central hub for information, education and connections for everyone in the cannabis community. They even offer a blog section for patients to tell their stories on how cannabis has helpped them. Please reach out to
Pennsylvania Cannabis Connection (PACC) is a networking company dedicated to establishing a relationship between the cannabis businesses and the patients involved in the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program.
Our foundation stems from the roots of this industry; the patient. At PACC, we are proud to provide a respectable, professional, and educational cannabis community in which the patients, dispensaries, grower/processor facilities, medical professionals and other ancillary businesses can network efficiently.

Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Frank Liberty International CBD-Philadelphia Pa
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Thursday Jan 04, 2018
Frank joined us on one of the coldest days in December 2017. Frank is the owner and operator of Liberty International CBD. A hemp based CBD company has been thriving here for a few years now. Frank is very passionate about education and the mass amounts of knowledge that go into this field. He id dedicated to bringing quality products to your door and works with low income patients. Frank will be furthering his education in bringing cannabis into the medical world. With his expierence he could be a specialists aide. Enjoy

Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Anthony Aguiniga owner/operator of My Green Tools and Woobies Shoes
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
Tuesday Dec 05, 2017
It's not everyday you meet people that have the same goal in mind. We had Anthony Aguiniga owner and operator of My Green Tools and Woobies Shoes. We had a great time talking about how helping others is what we are meant to do. We can't wait to work with him in the future.
My Green Tools:
We believe that all of our nation's veterans deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. The ReGroup Foundation is working to end veteran homelessness and restore the dignity of our service members who have fallen on hard times. We believe in the mission of this organization and are committed to helping them achieve it. A portion of the proceeds from each sale made on MyGreenTools.com is donated to the ReGroup Foundation.
"My Green Tools was created to facilitate a positive lifestyle and veteran community marketplace. It's our honor to earn your business and bring you the best products created by veteran and civilian artisans."

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Chris Voag - Sir Cannabis Apparel-CannaWarrior of the Week
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
We met Chris this year in Philadelphia at the Hemp Heals festival. Founder/Creator Chris Voag was diagnosed with Cancer 4 years ago at 19. His use of Cannabis allowed him to make a fast recovery and he actually gained weight during his month of Chemotherapy. This gave him great empathy for patient rights which is why he created Sir Cannabis Apparel. Flash forward to last year his a Family Member was diagnosed with Stage 4 Oral Cancer, he too found great relief in the cannabis plant and went from puking blood with a stage 4 tumor to today being cancer free! His idea is to have a brand that takes away the stoner stereotype through stories like his Father and His, where an individual has a better quality of life through the use of cannabis!
He showcases a cannabis patient every week to raise awareness for their illness. He also gives back a portion of profits to organizations such as, Weed for Warriors Project and Tuffys Fight Foundation. Chris has a big heart and just wants to be apart of something that is helping millions of people around the world.

Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Diane V Capaldi- Living with MS and changing her entire lifestyle.
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Thursday Oct 26, 2017
Diane V Capaldi or V to me and her family and friends. We had an amazing discussion on lifestyle and cannabis.
30 years ago today I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A day I will never forget.
Today I am proud to be one of the most healed from MS that we know of using diet & lifestyle. A feat that began the brand PaleoBOSS.
Hard to believe that my life today is almost 100% asymptomatic, I take no drugs with pretty much zero healthcare costs even though I live with a devastating disease.
The work of Terry Wahls MD was the missing piece of my wellness journey & produced my miracle life. The Wahls Protocol coupled with decades of commitment to movement & meditation make this gal the BAM I am today.
Dedicating my life to be of service being voluntarily homeless & engaging over 1 million monthly with my brand are both shocking outcomes just like kicking MS to the curb yet I could not imagine my life any other way & believe I was destined for this journey.
I will forever be grateful to Terry L. Wahls for saving my life with her work.
I will always be proud to be the mom of Nicki Bove & shocked her birth gave me almost 11 years with no symptoms when the doctors told me never to get pregnant.
No matter what the biggest source of pride comes from knowing my life is an example to others & that I have committed myself to serve the community forever. Work that has me nominated for a 'Best Of' award and granted me a TEDx Talk.
My person is filled with joy daily. Never would I have imagined this to be my world after years of pain & suffering.
To follow more about my life BAM & work subscribe here:
& follow my brand on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram PaleoBOSS

Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Illuzionz O' Grandeur- Battling Muscular Dystrophy
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
The NORML Women’s Alliance is a nonpartisan coalition of socially and geographically diverse women who believe that marijuana prohibition is a self-destructive and hypocritical policy that undermines the American family, sends a mixed and false message to our young people, and destroys the cherished principles of personal liberty and local self-government.
The NORML Women are bringing a contemporary approach to the public policy debate, and are proudly representing the interests of modern, mainstream women who believe that the negative consequences of marijuana prohibition far outweigh any repercussions from marijuana consumption itself. The NORML Women’s Alliance also presents a core group of national spokeswomen ready to interact with the public and the media on the important issue of marijuana legalization.
How Cannabis Benefits Muscular Dystrophy
Scientific studies on cannabis and MD are sorely lacking despite the fact cannabis has been shown effective against common symptoms of MD such as pain and stiffness. There is evidence suggesting it may help related conditions, e.g., amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which has some similar characteristics, such as impaired movement and muscle loss. A 2010 study in The American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care described how cannabis could potentially benefit ALS through the following mechanisms. At least some of these effects could theoretically benefit MD as well.
- Reducing glutamate transmission
- Antioxidant activity
- Anti-inflammatory activity
- Modulation of microglial cell activity
- Prevents apoptosis (cell death) in healthy cells
- Neuroprotective and neurotrophic (helps neurons grow) effects
- Enhances function of mitochondria
Formal studies have determined cannabinoids are effective against pain, one of the most destructive symptoms of MD. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 2013 found even low doses of vaporized THC was effective for reducing neuropathic pain. An earlier randomized trial concluded that smoking cannabis three times daily reduced pain measures and improved sleep.
And that was a study almost 8 years ago. We've come a long way since.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
We were a part of Pennsylvania history!! Industrial hemp has been given back to the state of Pa. and we were there to see phase one of the process. We spoke with Les Stark and Erica McBride from the Pennsylvania Hemp Industry Council. They dropped a lot of knowledge on us right in the middle of the massive hemp field of Bethlehem Pa. We hope you enjoy this very special podcast.
The Pennsylvania Hemp Industry Council seeks to accelerate the return of the Industrial Hemp Crop to the Pennsylvania agricultural landscape. To effectively achieve our aim of broad adoption of Industrial Hemp as a rotational crop by farmers, we will build a vital and effective collaboration of agencies, individuals and the general public.
Pennsylvania is a very strong agricultural state with over 63 thousand farms and almost 8 million acres of farm land. These farmers, the entire state, as well as the environment would benefit tremendously from the ability to grow industrial hemp. With our ideal climate and close proximity to major markets, we need to return this vital cash crop to our state.
Hemp can aid rural communities that need revitalization and opportunity by creating good paying jobs. Investing in research and development would build a bio-based economy that can provide solutions to real-world problems.
The United States annually imports hemp and hemp products at an estimated value of 500 million dollars. Hundreds of PA farmers and entrepreneurs have already expressed a desire to supply the national demand for hemp and its products not only to reap the economic benefits, but to create many products that can proudly be labeled “100% Made in the USA”. With our rich agricultural heritage and our first class universities and research facilities, Pennsylvania should absolutely be a leader in this new industry.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Nate Nicolai- Battling Epilepsy
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Nate stopped by the house to join me for a discussion on battling epilepsy since he was a child. What steps did he and his family take to get him the help he desperately needed? Take a listen to Nate's story and please read the full blog entry. We hope our podcasts will help others in the future.

Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Dr. Michele Ross- Neuroscientist , Founder and CEO of Impact Network
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Wow! Dr. Micele Ross dropped some serious knowledge on us. She quickly corrects me when I accidently refer to her as a neurologist when in fact she is a neuroscientist. She is doing amazing work in Colorado and fighting hard to get funding to produce the data people have been asking for.
Dr. Michele Ross is Founder and Executive Director of the Denver-based cannabis research & education 501c3 nonprofit IMPACT Network.
As a neuroscientist, she was frustrated by the lack of education on the endocannabinoid system both doctors and scientists received, despite medical cannabis being used by millions of patients nationwide. In 2013, she founded the "Endocannabinoid Deficiency Foundation," now known as IMPACT Network, with the mission to drive clinical research on cannabis for women’s health.
Dr. Ross is both a cannabinoid medicine researcher and a cannabis patient. After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and chronic pelvic pain, cannabis was the only thing that reduced her symptoms and allowed her to return to work. After hearing thousands of extraordinary patient stories just like hers, Dr. Ross was compelled to ensure cannabis becomes part of the American healthcare system.
Today, IMPACT Network is the leading medical cannabis research and education organization for women, with global reach to a worldwide medical cannabis community of patients, healthcare professionals, and clinical partners. To donate or learn more about IMPACT Network, visit www.impactcannabis.org.

Sunday Jul 23, 2017
George-Using various forms of Cannabis to treat Chronic Pain
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
Sunday Jul 23, 2017
George stopped by the house one night to have a chat with me. George suffers from chronic pain from a horrible construction accident that changed his life forever. George was taking Percocet for 8 years after his accident that left him walking with a cane and limp. After 5 years of the Percs left George's teeth rotting and his stomach in a constant state of nausea. After 8 years George was taking 90 pills a month. That totals to over 8000 pills his body had to process. That takes a toll on the entire body and mind. We got into the severe opiate epidemic on our hands in the U.S. as he has seen too many friends and family go down the dark road of no return. He wasn't going to be another number. Welcome to Georges story.
How Cannabis helpd Chronic Pain:
In a comprehensive, Harvard-led systematic review of 28 studies examining the efficacy of exo-cannabinoids (e.g. synthetic formulations or cannabinoids from the plant) to treat various pain and medical issues, the author concluded, "Use of marijuana for chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and spasticity due to multiple sclerosis is supported by high quality evidence.”
Of the studies reviewed, six out of six general chronic pain studies and five out of five neuropathic pain studies found a significant improvement in symptoms among patients. Notably, while most of the studies were limited to synthetic preparations of cannabinoids, three of the five neuropathic pain studies investigated “smoked” cannabis, while two examined an oral spray preparation
Dr. Donald Abrams, a professor and Chief of Hematology/Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital, supports cannabis to treat chronic pain, suggesting the following:
“Given the safety profile of cannabis compared to opioids, cannabis appears to be far safer. However, if a patient is already using opioids, I would urge them not to make any drastic changes to their treatment protocol without close supervision by their physician."
Both THC and CBD in cannabis are known to elicit analgesic effects, especially when used together due to their congruent chemical synergies.